Margate Chamber of Commerce Elects Fresh Blood by:
Work more closely with the City and Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) on economic development. Promote business education and commit to quality management - a few things in store for the new face of the Margate Chamber of Commerce.
After asking a select few to resign due to lack of attendance at meetings, the Margate Chamber of Commerce elected five new Directors to the Board Thursday. Armed with fresh blood - seven from the business community, a Margate Commissioner and a representative of the City’s CRA - the Chamber aims to be the strongest it has been in years.
“The City of Margate has done an amazing job of helping the Chamber. If we all work together I think this Chamber can really take off,” said PR Director, Connie Carberg, for Al Hendrickson Toyota.
Fourteen in all were nominated to the board, some by themselves some by others. After each pitched to a breakfast crowd of 50 at the Golden Corral in Margate, a group of educated, well-spoken, successful business men and women were elected.
Now located in a new space in the Ace Hardware Plaza on Margate Boulevard the Chamber is committed tofinding new ways to work with the business community and City in building local commerce, said Interim Chamber President, Rick Riccardi.
“So we’re tuned into what they’re doing and they’re tuned in to what we’re doing,” he told Chamber members Thursday.To join the Margate Chamber of Commercecontact Shana Frankel or Frank Schwartz at 954-582-0399.
(New Chamber Board above: Rick Riccardi, Fellowship Living; Joanne Simone, Margate City Commissioner; Teea Peeples, API Insurance Group; Kathy Mantz, Waste Management; Phil Hylander, Colonial Property