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Margate Resident Says Something Isn’t Right in the Homosexual Brain (not I) by: Margat

May 28, 2014


“As a devoted Catholic, I don’t agree with this same sex marriage. Of course, I respect the people that have the connection with that by themselves. But the way I was brought up is a man and a woman should be the only ones to get married. Period,” Margate resident, Rich Alianello, told elected officials. _______________ Alianello took the podium during public speak at a May city meeting to let commissioners know how he felt about a recent decision (3-2) to offer domestic partnership benefits to city employees. The domestic partnership document approved by the city should require amarriage license, Alianello said, regardless of whether “it’s a same sex marriage or regular people like we are,” he told commissioners. “I say regular people - and I hope that’s not an insult, but it is. I can tell by the look in your face,” he told the City's openly gay Mayor, Le Peerman. “No offense to the groups that are gay or lesbians, but my beliefs are a man and a woman. Our God the creator created a man and a woman and gave them rules do to,” he said, using an electrical outlet and plug as a metaphor. “We put the plug together and electric flows,” he said. He told commissioners that somewhere along the line society "went off course," and homosexuals need help. “Something in the brain that doesn’t seem to work right,” he said. Margate residents, Anthony Caggiano and Rich Popovic supported Alianello’s concept of including a marriage license in domestic partner requirements. Caggiano suggested that marriage certificates from other states be recognized while Popovic criticized Margate Commissioner, Frank Talerico - a Catholic - for defying his faith. "Sorry Frank, but most Catholics think more like us,” Popovic told him.

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