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Sign Tampering

Commission Candidate Reports Sign Tampering

After receiving permission from numerous homeowners living along Margate Boulevard, city commission candidate, Anthony Caggiano, found his signs taken down the morning of the city’s July 4th parade. ______________ Caggiano is running for city commission Seat 1 in the November 2016 General Election. The seat is presently occupied by Commissioner Frank Talerico who has picked up a campaign packet at City Hall but has yet officially filed to run. November 2016 marks Caggiano’s second run for office. He ran against Commissioner Lesa Peerman in 2014 and lost by 1.66% (195 ballots) of the vote. For Caggiano, his race for Talerico’s Seat will be a challenge, he told He is petitioning for signatures in lieu of paying a qualifying fee and said he was shocked and disappointed to find negative campaigners out so early in the race. Of 13 signs put on yards July 3rd, the candidate said one went missing, nine were laid on the ground and three were untouched. Tampering with election signs is dirty politics. The practice is indicative of low character and integrity and involves a trespass onto private property with the intent of mishandling or damaging other people's property. Most who tamper with signs come out at night and in the wee hours of the morning. Voters and candidates should be encouraged to discuss issues impacting Margate without being encumbered by city staff, city volunteers, elected officials, mudslingers and/or their campaigners. Casting a ballot at the polls is America’s voice. For those who don’t like a candidate, don’t vote in favor. Few qualified people maintain elected office at the local level in Margate and discouraging candidates may be counterproductive to the good of the city as a whole. A father of two and member of the city’s Planning and Zoning Board, Caggiano said untruths are already being circulated about him and inquiring minds should feel free to call him at 754-423-4260. He recommends contacting him directly with questions regarding campaign issues.

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